Project finalized by the Tuscany Region

POR CReO FESR 2014-2020 line 3.4.2 a) Call for “Aid to SMEs for internationalization” DD 1540/2016. STONEGLASS INTERNATIONALIZATION IN USA project no. 1540.22032016.092000118.

“The project financed by the Tuscany Region, within the scope of the aforementioned call, was implemented consistently with the one presented, respecting its objectives, spending programs and implementation times.

The investment program mainly achieved the following macro objectives and performances: establishment of a sales network for Stoneglass products in the American market; increase in products sold; strengthening of brand identity; At the conclusion of the project, Stoneglass achieved the following results; having a sales network distributed in the main US states; having inserted its products into the major American distribution channels; having increased sales with a 20% increase in turnover; to have registered and consolidated the identity and visibility of the Stoneglass brand.

Stoneglass is the official distributor of STONEGLASS sheets, a new material that combines the qualities of glass with the solidity and ductility of stone.

In recent years, the American market has seen a strong growth in demand for this material, due to a newfound sensitivity towards materials with low environmental impact, but with artisanal and valuable characteristics. The greatest requests in this first year of the project have come from the construction sector, especially in the Florida area, a region where attention to the construction of luxury buildings with refined details is most present. There has also been a particular attention from American customers for MADE IN ITALY, which stands out from what is present in their market, for the characteristics of ecological and recyclable materials, but which at the same time do not neglect high-quality finishes and attention to detail. The main objective of the operation was to give the American customer of Stoneglass srl the possibility of having a local technical-commercial office, which speaks the same language and has the same office hours, able to support the customer both technically and commercially.”


Project co-financed by POR FESR Toscana 2014 – 2020 – ACTION 3.1.1. sub-action 3.1.1a3

“Aid aimed at containing and combating the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency”

Tuscany investment fund – investment aid –


Financial support: € 109,340.00

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